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I have always had an interest in coding for the web. I built my first site almost 15 years ago using Yahoo’s Geocities, which allowed HTML styling and a few layout choices.

我一直对网络编码感兴趣。 大约15年前,我使用Yahoo的Geocities建立了我的第一个站点,该站点允许HTML样式和一些布局选择。

Even when I went to college, I enrolled in engineering and studied Matlab and C++.

甚至在上大学时,我就读工程并学习了Matlab和C ++。

I loved coding but I had one major problem holding me back: I never committed to learning.

我喜欢编码,但是遇到了一个主要问题: 我从未致力于学习

信息超载 (Information Overload)

For years I would start tutorials and classes that would teach me the basics of a certain language or technology (like Dreamweaver, Java, etc.). But I never made the time to pursue anything to an advanced level.

多年来,我将开始教程和课程,以教会我某种语言或技术(例如Dreamweaver,Java等)的基础知识。 但是我从来没有花时间去追求任何东西。

I would spend hours researching and finding new classes or tutorials. I would watch myriads of these different tutorials, and read blogs by different authors, each with different styles of teaching and advice for how I should learn to code. One said this, and the other said that.

我会花数小时研究和查找新的课程或教程。 我将观看无数的这些不同的教程,并阅读由不同作者撰写的博客,每个博客对于我应该如何学习编码都有不同的教学风格和建议。 一个说,另一个说。

I was both confused and frustrated. I wanted to give up, thinking that I would never make it to a high enough level to pursue a career in coding. I was convinced there were more technologies than I could possibly learn, and it would be too stressful a journey.

我既困惑又沮丧。 我想放弃,以为我永远都无法做到高水平以从事编码职业。 我坚信,还有比我可能学到的更多的技术,而且旅途太过压力了。

Professionally, I was a restaurant manager (and later, a salesperson) working 50–60 hours (or more) per week. Between work, helping my grandmother, and other personal obligations, I always made the excuse that I didn’t have time to learn how to code. Yet I spent so many hours surfing the web and reading about how I should go about learning without committing and sticking to any one curriculum.

从专业上来说,我是一家餐馆经理(后来是销售员),每周工作50-60小时(或更长时间)。 在工作,帮祖母和其他个人义务之间,我总是以没有时间去学习编码为借口。 然而,我花了很多时间上网了解我应该如何去不提交,并坚持任何一个课程学习网页和阅读。

快进到2015年 (Fast Forward to 2015)

As I so often do, I started this year with ambitious goals to change my life, get in shape, and have the best year ever.


By January of 2015, I had just completed a Treehouse track on using Swift for IOS app development, and I had built three semi-cool working apps on my local machine. I was so excited that I decided that this was — without question — the year I would definitely learn how to code!

到2015年1月,我刚刚完成了关于使用Swift进行IOS应用程序开发的Treehouse跟踪,并且在本地计算机上构建了三个半凉的工作应用程序。 我非常激动,以至于我决定毫无疑问地是这一年,我一定会学习编码的!

计划 (The Plan)

I had just quit my time-consuming job as a salesperson and gotten a temporary job at a local restaurant, which gave me loads of free time. I immediately began to research and plan what technologies I would learn, and what tools I would use. I started reviewing HTML, CSS, and basic JavaScript.

我刚刚辞去了我的销售人员繁琐的工作,而在当地一家餐馆找到了一份临时工作,这给了我大量的空闲时间。 我立即开始研究和计划我将学习的技术以及将使用的工具。 我开始审查HTML,CSS和基本JavaScript。

Around March, I found Free Code Camp, and also CodeCloud.me — a website promising to effectively teach students through building real life projects with some big name companies like Expedia. I decided to leave Free Code Camp in my todo list and pursue the CodeCloud.me projects.

3月前后,我找到了Free Code Camp和CodeCloud.me,这是一个网站,有望通过与Expedia等知名公司合作建立现实生活项目来有效地教给学生。 我决定将Free Code Camp留在​​待办事项列表中,继续进行CodeCloud.me项目。

I wasted about a month trying to figure out how I was going to learn to code on their site. It was confusing, poorly designed, and most of my group quit before the project ever started. I had many other problems with their curriculum, and finally went searching for that site that I’d stumbled upon earlier, Free Code Camp.

我浪费了大约一个月的时间试图弄清楚如何在他们的网站上学习编码。 这令人困惑,设计欠佳,在项目开始之前,我的大多数团队都退出了。 我在他们的课程上遇到了许多其他问题,最后去寻找我偶然发现的那个网站,即Free Code Camp。

免费代码营—我最终学会了如何编码 (Free Code Camp — How I Finally Learned How to Code)

I was happy seeing that the number of users on Free Code Camp was increasing, so I figured it was a good program. Plus it was entirely free.

我很高兴看到Free Code Camp的用户数量正在增加,所以我认为这是一个很好的程序。 另外它是完全免费的。

After listening to the audiobook, , I decided to dedicate several hours every day to learn how to code. I went through the front end development challenges pretty quickly, and completed all five of the front end projects.

听完的有声读物 ,我决定每天花费几个小时来学习编码。 我很快经历了前端开发挑战,并完成了所有五个前端项目。

These projects took me from three days to a week each to complete. I learned about JSON, APIs, jQuery, Angular, Bootstrap, advanced JavaScript concepts, and so much more. I finally felt accomplished!

这些项目使我从三天到一周的时间全部完成。 我了解了JSON,API,jQuery,Angular,Bootstrap,高级JavaScript概念等等。 我终于感到有成就!

I then started the backend sections on Node, Express, and MongoDB. These really gave me a broad perspective on web development, and how front end and server-side technologies tie in to each other.

然后,我在Node,Express和MongoDB上启动了后端部分。 这些确实使我对Web开发以及前端技术和服务器端技术如何相互结合具有广阔的视野。

To date, I have only completed one of the full stack projects, because I am working as a front end developer and studying ReactJS. Soon, however, I plan to complete all of the Free Code Camp projects.

到目前为止,我只完成了一个完整的堆栈项目,因为我正在作为前端开发人员并研究ReactJS。 但是,我很快计划完成所有的Free Code Camp项目。

Having a job in web development is helping me immensely, and allowing me to learn everyday while I am working.


聚会和网络 (Meetups and Networking)

I am naturally a very introverted, quiet person, so networking is extremely hard for me. However, I decided I had to at least try. I started going to meet-ups and letting my online network know about my new skills, and that I was looking for a new job.

我自然是一个非常内向,安静的人,因此对我而言,联网非常困难。 但是,我决定至少必须尝试一下。 我开始聚会,让我的在线网络了解我的新技能,并且我正在寻找新工作。

The first meet-up I went to was a Girl Develop It one where they taught Git and Github, and had time allotted afterwards to socialize. I was already pretty familiar with the material, so I figured it would make me more comfortable for the first meet-up.

我参加的第一个聚会是“女孩发展”组织,在那里他们教了Git和Github,并在之后分配了时间进行社交。 我已经非常熟悉该材料,因此我认为这会使我在第一次见面时更加自在。

I forced myself to walk up to people after the lesson and introduce myself. It was painful. My hand was shaking because I was so nervous. I wanted to run out of there, but somehow I made it through the two hours or so, and ran out to my car to take a breath!

课后,我强迫自己走向人们,并自我介绍。 真痛苦 我的手发抖是因为我太紧张了。 我想从那里跑出去,但是不知何故,我在两个小时左右的时间内就做到了,然后跑到我的车上呼吸一下!

It did get better. The more meetups I attended the more comfortable I got. I saw there wasn’t a functioning meetup group for Free Code Camp in Indiana, so I started one here so I could be around coders that were at my own level and get them started helping each other. We had several meetups that went well, and allowed us to connect and share ideas. Hopefully, we will be more active in the future with and other events.

确实变好了。 我参加的聚会越多,我就越自在。 我看到在印第安纳州没有一个免费代码营的聚会小组,所以我在这里成立了一个小组,这样我可以和自己水平的编码员在一起,让他们开始互相帮助。 我们举行了几次聚会,进展顺利,使我们能够交流和分享想法。 希望我们将来能通过和其他活动更加活跃。

审查和调试其他人的代码 (Reviewing and Debugging Other People’s Code)

One thing that has helped me immensely is reviewing other people’s code. It’s one thing to write my own code and make changes to it. It’s another thing entirely for me to review and edit someone else’s project.

极大地帮助了我的一件事是查看其他人的代码。 编写自己的代码并对其进行更改是一回事。 对我来说,审查和编辑其他人的项目完全是另一回事。

I started looking at other people’s code in the Free Code Camp chat room when other students had questions to try and help them. When we started a meet-up group in Indianapolis, several other campers messaged me for help with their projects as well.

当其他学生有疑问要尝试帮助他们时,我开始在Free Code Camp聊天室中查看其他人的代码。 当我们在印第安纳波利斯成立一个聚会小组时,其他几个营员也向我传达了他们的项目帮助的信息。

At first, it was extremely difficult for me to understand or read code written by anyone else. Especially if I had already completed a different version of the project, I had trouble figuring out where everything was, and why they wrote it the way they did.

起初,我很难理解或阅读其他任何人编写的代码。 尤其是如果我已经完成了该项目的另一个版本,那么我将很难弄清所有内容在哪里,以及他们为什么以这种方式编写它。

I started to clone various github projects to give me practice. After doing this a couple dozen times, I started to get the hang of it.

我开始克隆各种github项目来给我练习。 做了十几遍之后,我开始理解它了。

Everyone has a different style. Some people are better at design, and some are better at functional programming, or other areas. There is something to learn from everyone, even if it’s what not to do.

每个人都有不同的风格。 有些人擅长设计,有些人擅长函数编程或其他领域。 即使不是做什么,也需要向每个人学习。

Looking back, learning how to read other people’s code has helped me immensely in getting to where I am today.


书籍与有声读物 (Books vs. Audiobooks)

I have amassed quite a collection of unfinished programming books sitting on my shelf. I spent up to $30 or more each, was excited for a few days, and ended up leaving them forgotten on the shelf, only to pursue a new book shortly after.

我已经坐在书架上积quite了许多未完成的编程书籍。 我每人花了高达30美元或更多的钱,兴奋了几天,最终把他们遗忘在书架上,不久后才去买一本新书。

I found a method that works much better for me: listening to audiobooks. While I am at my house I work through mostly video tutorials, and build projects. And then on the road, I listen to audiobooks.

我找到了一种对我来说更好的方法: 听有声读物 。 当我在家里时,我主要负责视频教程和构建项目。 然后在路上,我听有声读物。

This system has been working really well for me. Plus I can maximize my learning when I would otherwise just be listening to music.

这个系统对我来说真的很好用。 另外,当我不去听音乐的时候,我可以最大程度地学习。

Another note is that, even though I downloaded all of the books through Audible, I never paid full price for them. I received two free books for the first month I signed up. I then cancelled at the end of the month, and they sent me an email after that offering me three months for a large discount (I think it was 50% off). After I cancelled my subscription again, they sent me an email offering me three months for $.99 per month. Also, they always have some free or really cheap audiobooks available.

另一个需要注意的是,即使我通过Audible下载了所有书籍,也从未为之付全价。 我注册的第一个月就收到了两本免费书籍。 然后,我在月底取消了服务,之后他们给我发送了一封电子邮件,为我提供了三个月的大幅折扣(我认为这是50%的折扣)。 在我再次取消订阅后,他们给我发送了一封电子邮件,为我提供了三个月的服务,每月只需$ 0.99。 而且,他们总是有一些免费或非常便宜的有声读物。

** I am not saying here that quality material is not worth paying for. Rather, I think that once you are making money from coding it is great to invest in quality training materials. However, if you aren’t making money from it yet, I think you should try to spend as little as possible up front until you get hired. **

**我不是在这里说优质的材料不值得花钱。 相反,我认为,一旦您从编码中赚钱,投资高质量的培训材料就很棒。 但是,如果您还没有从中赚钱,我认为您应该花尽可能少的前期花销,直到被录用为止。 **

. Let me know if you have any other ideas.

。 让我知道您是否还有其他想法。

底线 (Bottom Line)

In short, the six keys to my success were:


  1. Diligently Following a Curriculum ()

    认真学习课程( )

  2. Setting aside time every day to code (several hours no matter what!)

  3. Listening to Programming/Web Development audiobooks everyday while driving

    每天在开车时收听编程/ Web开发有声读物
  4. , and asking them to review mine


  5. Compiling a portfolio of at least 5 or 6 working projects that can showcase abilities

  6. Networking and meetups, and more networking!


There are still many more goals that I want to achieve as a professional. I am studying ReactJS and Sass currently, and I have a list of other technologies I want to learn.

作为专业人士,我还有很多目标要实现。 我目前正在学习ReactJS和Sass,并且我还想学习其他技术。

I am very happy with where I am at, and I am trying to take one thing at a time.


and get in touch :)





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